Streaming media files to the sexy Pure Sensia

Have you been looking for ways how to stream your media files to your digital radio like the sexy Pure Sensia? Then you aren't alone. I'll show you in the following how I did it in simple way.

First, what is the requirement? Well basically nothing, provided that you use Ubuntu like me. I also take for granted that you have a WiFi for internet connection and all your media files (Music, Pictures and Videos) are already kept safe in your PC/laptop.

Install and configure the media server (minidlna)

1. Start terminal

2. Install minidlna by executing the following command in terminal windows:

sudo apt-get install minidlna

3. Edit the following section in the /etc/minidlna.conf file or append the lines to the end of the file (use nano editor as root).


friendly_name=achida media server


Adjust the name of the folders of media_dir to the name of the directories, where you keep your media files. Give your media server a name by changing the name of the media server in friendly_name.

3. Start the media server by invoking these commands:

sudo /etc/init.d/minidlna start

and then

sudo minidlna -R

Please wait a little bit for minidlna to index your media files. It can take a few minutes depending on the amount of the media files.

Ready for the prime time

Your media server is now ready. To enjoy the multimedia on Sensia, you need to change the source to Media Player and select the Media Player. You'll see folders Music, Pictures and Videos.

To play back music just browse the Music folder. Once the music is playing back, you can go back and start browsing the folder Pictures to watch your photos.

While writing this article I was listening to music streamed to Sensia. Meanwhile the slideshow of Angeline Jolie was catching my eyes (see photo. I have the Sensia Black).

Final note about the media format: I only have music files in mp3 and pictures in jpg formats, therefore I could not test other formats. Unfortunately Pure Sensia cannot show videos yet.

Advantage of media server

Having a media server means you could access your files from any other capable device. For example I can listen to music, show pictures or play back videos from the server on my Samsung Galaxy S2. The only limitation: all DRM protected videos cannot be played back!

Final words:

Thinking of buying the sexy Pure Sensia? I bought mine from the Amazon UK, £70 cheaper than all other offers in other shops. Click here to read the users review of Pure Sensia on the Amazon UK.